Wan Ri Ho awarded the ETH Doc.Mobility fellowship for her visit to Boston University and MIT

How can firms organize and collaborate in response to grand challenges? This is what Wan Ri is working on for the next six months.

by Sharon Teitler

How can firms organize and collaborate in response to grand challenges? Wan Ri is seeking an answer to this question in her six-months visit abroad to Boston.

We’re proud to share the news that Wan Ri, our doctoral researcher, has been awarded the ETH Doc.Mobility fellowship. This recognition supports Wan Ri in her six-month visiting research fellowship at Boston University and MIT from February to July 2024.

Under the mentorship of professors Douglas Hannah (BU) and Nevan Hanumara (MIT), Wan Ri is studying how to foster strategic collaborations among firms in responses to grand challenges. Her research aims to uncover sustainable strategies that drive impactful change and innovation.

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