Johan Böni wins prize for the 2023 Ecological Transformation Trophies

Veolia, a prominent global energy company specializing in water and wastewater treatment, waste disposal, and energy supply, awarded Johan in the "Fighting climate change" category for his master's thesis written at D-MTEC last year.

by Sharon Teitler

In his master's thesis and in recent years, Johan's focus has been on the reutilization of incinerated bottom ash, the primary end product of Waste-to-Energy plants resulting from waste incineration. He proposed an innovative bottom ash treatment process and outlined how companies can implement it to minimize risks and investments associated with the uncertainties surrounding the composition of incinerated bottom ash. His vision of having a small add-on to every Waste-to-Energy plant that treats its own incinerated bottom ash, offering the potential for a significant decrease in the carbon footprint linked to Waste-to-Energy operations.

Johan Böni, Estelle Brachlianoff (CEO of Veolia)

We congratulate Johan on his achievement!

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