Apply for the Industrial Excellence Award (IEA)

Applications for the IEA 2021 competition are now open. The current edition of the competition focuses on Digital Strategy Innovation and Deployment Top-down & Bottom-up.  


The Industrial Excellence Award (IEA) competition benchmarks management quality for European competitiveness in the industrial and service sectors. A key focus in the competition is how organizations align distributed activities and knowledge to achieve common strategic goals. In the past, companies have been awarded for best practices in the following areas:

  • Lean management (1st edition)
  • Supply chain integration (2nd edition)
  • Strategy cascading and employee engagement for operational excellence (3rd edition)
  • Superior value creation through digitally-enhanced processes and data analytics (4th edition) 

Previous Swiss champions include Chocolat Frey (2018), Sonceboz (2017), Thermo Fischer Scientific (2015) and ABB Switzerland (2010, 2014).

All participants benefit from personalized feedback as a suggestion for further improvement. Furthermore, the finalists selected by the jury will receive a site visit by the IEA’s academic partners. The participation is free of charge.

Call for applications is open now! The IEA 2021 competition focuses on Digital Strategy Innovation and Deployment Top-down & Bottom-Up. Please submit your application by January 31st, 2021. For further information on the award and to download the application form, please use the links below:

external page Industrial Excellence Award
external page Application Form



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