Christine Sieber awarded the MAS Excellence Award
Christine Sieber wrote her master's thesis at the Chair of POM. Now, she was awarded for her excellent overall study results.

Congratulations to Christine Sieber! Our former thesis student has received the MAS Excellence Award for her outstanding, overall study results. The MAS Excellence Award is awarded by the Department of Management, Technology and Economics to students of the Master of Advanced Studies for the best overall study performance, as indicated by the highest Grade Point Average (GPA).
At our chair, Christine wrote an excellent thesis on procurement logistics in dairy production under the supervision of Sophie Fenner ("Differenzierte Betrachtung der Beschaffungslogistik und Warenflüsse von milchfremden Rohmaterialien in der Molkereiindustrie"). The Chair of POM congratulates Christine for winning this prestigious award and her excellent study results.