Omid Maghazei on a Research Visit at University of Bath

Our doctoral student Omid is off to the UK for his research stay at the Information, Decisions, and Operations (IDO) Division at the School of Management of University of Bath.

Omid Maghazei in Bath

Omid Maghazei has started his research visit at the external page Information, Decisions, and Operations (IDO) Division of University of Bath's external page School of Management on the 15th of July. He will be working with external page Prof. Mike Lewis who is the head of the IDO Division with publications in the Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Omega, and Harvard Business Review. 

During his stay at IDO Division, Omid continues his design science research from the Chair of POM to prepare it for publication in a top-tier journal in the field of Operations Management. Omid is building a bridge between the Chair of POM at ETH Zurich, and the IDO Division at the University of Bath School of Management for further research collaborations in the future.

The University of Bath is ranked as the 6th best university in the UK by the Guardian University Guide 2019 and is located in the UNESCO World Heritage City of Bath. The University of Bath promotes research collaborations and international engagement in order to add value to all the stakeholders in research networks.

The Chair of POM wishes Omid a producitve research visit, a lot of success, much fun, and an overall great stay in Bath and the United Kingdom!

Omid Maghazei at IDO
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