Jannick Fiedler presents ASSYBOT at the “10. F&E Konferenz” in Rotkreuz

On January, 31, Jannick Fiedler showcased the ASSYBOT at the 10th F&E Conference held at the HFLU in Rotkreuz. 

Organized by NextIndustries and Swissmem, the event gathered more than 200 participants from Industry and Academia, offering a great opportunity to explore the latest research projects currently conducted in Switzerland.

What is ASSYBOT?

ASSYBOT is an AI-empowered chatbot designed to support companies in identifying and selecting the most suitable augmenting technologies for assembly. Based on our expert knowledge database with structured technology fact sheets, it provides suitable technologies based on user's specifications for the needs on the shopfloor.

ASSYBOT is being developed as part of the ASSY 5.1 research project funded by Innosuisse. The project partners are Inspire, the Chair of POM, Maxon, Accelleron, and Bossard.

Want to test it yourself? Visit www.assybot.ethz.ch and request a free account!

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