ASSY5.1 visited Stuttgart!

This week, 16 members of the ASSY5.1 project team from Accelleron, Maxon, Inpire, Bossard and ETH Zurich went on an exciting two-day trip to Stuttgart. The highlight? A deep dive into cutting-edge trends in production and assembly automation at both Fraunhofer IAO and the Motek Fair.

Day 1 brought us to Fraunhofer IAO, where Dr. Joachim Lentes and his team welcomed us with a tour of their Future Work Lab. We explored different demonstrators showcasing technology-assisted assembly and learned about the Fraunhofer Lighthouse Project “EMOTION”, which aims to introduce empathetic interactions in technical systems. The COLAB-Wall, a VR-based system that allows simultaneous collaboration on a digital twin, also caught our attention. We also had the opportunity to present our own ASSY5.1 project and share the progress on the ASSYBOT. Special thanks to Prof. Dr. Katharina Hölzle and Dr. Joachim Lentes for organizing this inspiring visit!

Day 2 took us to the Motek Fair, an international event for production and assembly automation. We had hands-on experience with smart assembly workstations featuring advanced tools like Pick-by-light, projectors, smart cameras, and smart tools designed to assist workers in their jobs. We also learned a lot about cobots and discovered Airskin, a fascinating technology that enhances safe interaction between robots and humans.

Lukas Weiss, Markus Maier, Jannick Fiedler, Alexander Albers, Matthias Bickel, Laura-Marie Hagemann, Gabriel Sonderegger, Lasse Plümke, Urs Güttinger, Remo Gander, Thomas Gittler, Matthias Pleuler, Matthias Ehret, Jürg Schneiter, Gabor Dancso, Zsolt Bödör
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