POM Network Organized Annual Evening Talk with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lanza

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gisela Lanza from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) virtually joined the POM Network for a talk about the future of global production networks.


For the first time, the evening talk on October 20th took place in a digital format due to the pandemic. However, this pandemic made the topic of the presentation more important now than ever: “Implications of COVID-19 and Other Uncertainties for Production Networks”. Therein, Prof. Lanza presented a framework covering the three main areas of concern in the design and operation of global production networks – production strategy, network footprint, and network management. She outlined the challenges and opportunities arising in these areas, focusing and elaborating on the importance of adaptability and resilience in the selection of an appropriate network footprint. To round off her talk, Prof. Lanza explained three trends for the future of global production networks as avenues for future research: the harmonization of production strategy and footprint, the resilience of footprint, and the role of digitalization.

The talk was followed by a vivid discussion hosted by POM Network president Peter Schmollinger. The participants discussed potential long-term effects of the pandemic on supply chains, as well as the role of vertical and horizontal integration in the context of digitalization.

The POM Network would like to thank Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gisela Lanza for her insightful talk, as well as all participants for their interest and contribution to the discussion.

For additional information on the POM Network, please visit the POM Network website.

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