The Network of Global Future Councils is a prominent, invitation-only interdisciplinary platform that unites around 700 top experts from business, academia, civil society, and government across 34 specialized councils. Together, they drive innovative thinking to help build a more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable future. GFC members participate in two-year terms.
Wan Ri Ho, Nikolai Kazantsev Torbjørn Netland have published the paper “The critical catalyst: Getting open innovation projects right in times of disruption” in California Management Review
Torbjørn Netland, Oliver von Dzengelevski, Katalin Tesch, and Daniel Kwasnitschka have published the paper “Comparing human-made and AI-generated teaching videos: An experimental study on learning effects“ in Computers and Education.
This week, 16 members of the ASSY5.1 project team from Accelleron, Maxon, Inpire, Bossard and ETH Zurich went on an exciting two-day trip to Stuttgart. The highlight? A deep dive into cutting-edge trends in production and assembly automation at both Fraunhofer IAO and the Motek Fair.
The chair of POM joined this year’s APMS conference in Chemnitz, Germany. While two of our PhD students participated in the doctoral workshop, we also presented two papers.
Professor Netland gave the opening keynote at INCOM 2024 in Vienna, Austria, and Jannick Fiedler attended the doctoral workshop. We also presented two papers, including the inaugural paper on Manufacturing Analytics System (MAS) coauthored with spinoff EthonAI.